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SK Global SKL 530 MSP kehlemaskine 150 x 310 mm
SK Global SKL 530 MSP kehlemaskine 150 x 310 mm
Kan leveres med op til 11 spindler, og fremtrækshastighed op til 100 m/min.
High Speed Moulder
-One-piece, cast iron or steel welding machine frame is specially heat treated for maximum stability and rigidity by standard configuration.
-Mechanical digital readouts for the pressure elements of top spindle.
-Divided pressure bar in front of top spindle.
-Motorized vertical adjustment of the top spindle including digital readouts.
-Housing bearings for horizontal spindle.
-Straight profile jointer provides accurate operation with high quality finish.
-The powered outfeed rollers provide stable and smooth workpiece outfeed even for especially thin or smooth materials. The rollers remain perfectly parallel even after long-term use.
-Multiple pneumatic pressure of the feed rollers can be easily set to provide an outstanding feeding effect.
-Table surface is hard-chrome plated for maximum wear resistance.
-All manually adjusted turning parts are housed in dry bearings for oil-free lubrication.
Straight knife jointer and automatic profile jointer (option)
The remote-controlled straight knife jointer and automatic profile jointers provide accurate operation with high repeatability. They help ensure a long service life and super surface quality.