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Stromab WS 1 hurtigafkorter op til – 120 m/min.
Stromab WS 1 hurtigafkorter op til – 120 m/min.
The WS comes from the experience and professional know how of STROMAB. 1.
The WS. 1 is a cut-off and defecting saw equipped with rollers and a controlled axis, fully designed and manufactured in Italy. Its excellent performance characteristics include sturdiness, quality and reliability. It is the ideal tool when it comes to defecting or cutting to size timber sections of any length.
The WS. 1 is a state-of-the-art cut-off saw, capable of making a significant contribution to any production cycle thanks to its high levels of precision and speed combined with its ease of use. Its compactness and space-saving dimensions make for simpler logistics.
The WS.1 was created mainly in order to be integrated into the production of glued laminated timber, the cutting and defecting of timber from moulding machines, multi-blade machines, dryers etc. for supplying finger jointing machines.
The WS.1 offers countless benefits and high productivity, with the best quality-to-performance ratio on the market at an extremely affordable price.
- Extremely sturdy base and machine-body construction ensure stability and accuracy over time.
- Small dimensions providing great performance.
- High-quality components.
- High precision and speed when cutting.
- Easy to use. Featuring an intuitive multilingual operator interface.
4 lower pull rollers in steel, 4 manually-adjustable upper pressure rollers in nylon, 2 m. loading roller assembly with dual marking station, Smooth 1 m. outfeed table, 12 Luminescent crayons for marking.
Loading-roller assembly extension, Smooth outfeed table extension, Widia blade, motorized roller height adjustment