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Özgenc Makina WDE 200 Double Head Saw 45° with Dowel Router or Dovetail Tenon

Özgenc Makina WDE 200 Double Head Saw 45° with Dowel Router or Dovetail Tenon.

Tekniske data:

It is designed to cut the wooden door frames and moldings 45 ° – 90 ° and open the connection point.

There are a total of 4 motors on it that serve as 2 cutters and 2 drills.
It opens the connection holes in 90 – 45 degree joints.
There are 2 asynchronous and 2 inverter motors.
Finishes the molding process in 20 seconds.
Precise movement with linear rails


Sawblade Diameter
190 mm
3000 mm
800 mm
1500 mm
465 kg
Air Consumption
Cutting Motor Rev
2860 rpm
Cutting Sawblade Motor Rev
5000 RPM
Cutting Motor Power
1.3 kWh
Drilling Motor Power
0.75 kW
Cutting Tool Quantity
2.1 kWh