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Nikmann LBM 200 langhulsboremaskine
Nikmann LBM 200 langhulsboremaskine
Serial machine with 1 piece eccentric clamp and schalter for motor protecting. Fixing of the length and depth of drilling. Support rod for serial production. Tilting of the boring head. Chuck Westcott 0-20 with protective cover. Easy adjustment by height through handwheel. Easy moving of the boring head through only one lever.
Working table dimensions, mm | 600 x 320 |
Height of the working table, mm | 870 |
Longitudinal motion of table, mm | 245 |
Transversal motion of table, mm | 205 |
Vertical motion of the table, mm | 165 |
Tilting of the boring head | 45° – 90° – 45° |
Revolutions, min -1 | 2840 |
Motor power, kW (HP) | 2.2 (3.0) |
Weight, kg | 180 |
2 speeds motor, kW | 2.4 / 3.0 |
4 size rotor group with fixed positions at 16-22-25-32 mm | |
Miter fence | |
Extension of the table | |
Wheel set |