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Houfek Fenix 5 akset CNC maskine
Houfek Fenix 5 akset CNC maskine
Fenix is a five-axial woodworking center equipped with biaxial head with the liquid-cooled spindle and with the automatic replacement of instruments. The machine is principally designed for the production of intricate furniture components and wooden or Styrofoam models for metal foundries, and similar. It can be equipped with console, raster or smooth desk according to customer´s wish. Machinable height of the workpiece is given by the lift of the vertical axis, which offers lifts 750 mm (workpiece 600 mm) and 1000 mm (workpiece 800 mm). The basic design of the machine is made of sheet metal workpiece cinders that are subsequently annealed to reduce internal strains and machined. The characteristic feature is a portal (bridge) construction of the crossmember with clamped driving drives of the X axis (gantries) on both sides.