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Casolin TS 630 og TS 810 tykkelseshøvl
TS810 – TS630
Thicknesser Planer Model TS 810-630. Modern machine, safe and easy to use, with touch-screen supplied standard to manage all work functions. Exceptional driving performance of work pieces, thanks to the rubber rollers with large diameter and the suspension of the rollers with torsion bars. High maximum thickness of extraction: 12 mm. Automatic reduction of the feed rate of the workpiece, if the planer shaft motor exceeds the maximum available power. Machine with compact size to save space in carpentry.
- 5″ colour touch screen
- Positioning of the automatic worktop with touch or manual controls
- Automatic return to the initial position
- Feed rate from 4 to 25 Mt/min.
- Diagnostics of the machine directly on the touch screen
- Thicknesser of work from 3 to 300 mm
- Maximum thickness of material removal 12 mm
- Minimum workpiece length :285 mm
- Motore standard Kw 5.5 ( Hp 7,5 )
- Optional Kw 7,5-9,5
- Revolutions of planer shaft rotation : 5000 r/min.
- Suction connection with a diameter of 160 mm
- Machine weight 1000 kg.
Ekstra udstyr:
Tersa rundkutter
Spiral rundkutter
Forlænget bord
Ruller i bord