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Casolin Euro rammepresse max emne 2780 x 6000 mm
Frame press Model EURO the TOP of the range, can press both frames of windows and doors even if externally profiled. Remarkably oversize steel structure. Four screws for positioning of the cylinders to work at the end of stroke and to avoid distorsion of the frame with poorly homogeneous woods.Completely automatic as well as manual frame-clamps for the assempbly of all frames in general. Machine available with touch screen
- Standard height 1800 mm ( on request 2400-2780 mm)
- Standard width 3000 mm ( on request 3500-4000-5000-6000 mm)
- Pump power 4KW
- Hydraulic unit with 2 pressure regulators:one for the horizontal pistons and one for the vertical pistons
- Horizontal piston stroke 100 mm
- Vertical piston stroke 220 mm
- Minimum working height 350 mm
- Minimum working width 300 mm
- Weight 3000 KG.