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Casolin Easy rammepresse max emne 1900 x 3000 mm
The oleodynamic frame press Mod. Easy is the machine born to satisfy the production needs of medium and small series of frames. Despite maintaining the same thrust power and robustness of the superior models EURO and JUNIOR, it is different for its constructive simplicity and easy use. In the design of the machine , the pressure point of the cylinders has been optimised to avoid central flexion of the bars. Particular attention has been given to the quality of the machine: from all the mechanical movements on bearing brasses to synchronised horizontal cylinders, from the chromed plates to barnd componentry, as well as the quality control during the production of the machines.
- Working height min/max 340/1900 mm
- Working width min/max 250/3000 mm
- Normal vertical pressure min/max 880/8800 Kg.
- Normal horizontal pressure for each cylinder min/max 280/2800 Kg.
- Horizontal pistons stroke 200 mm
- Weight 1800 Kg..