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Casolin Astra 500 formatrundsav
Circular saw Model Astra 500 for woodworking. Tilting blade group from 0° to 45.5 ° entirely of cast iron and very deep for optimum extraction of sawdust. Running on linear guides and ball bearing slides, large and specific for dusty environments. High wheelbase bearing / shaft blade for accuracy and vibration on the circular saw. Electric lifting angle and fully waterproof, permanently lubricated and maintenance-free. Quick-installation of the saw blade. Poly V belts oversized to ensure the transmission of high power in time. Viewer turns and digital inclination. Machine available in 4 versions:
- Astra 500 basic version with motorized movement of the blade
- Astra 500 5 CNC Posit with even motorized parallel fence
- Astra 500 5 CNC QCP with even Hanging control panel
- Astra 500 6 full vesion CNC with Touch Screen
- Carriage legth: 2600-3200-3800-4300-5000 mm.
- Carro width 400 mm.
- Main blade diam. 300-500 mm. max. skærehøjde 175 mm
- Optional main blade diam.550 mm. without scoring unit skærehøjde 200 mm
- Main shaft diam. 30 mm.
- N.3 speeds: 3000-4200-5000 r/min.
- Tilting 0-45,5°
- Height of cut 175 mm with blade diam.500 ( 200 mm with blade diam.550 optional )
- Standard motor main saw Kw 4 ( Hp 5,5 )
- Optional Kw 5,5-7,5-9,2-11 ,3 speeds
- Optional Kw 5,5-7,5 with inverter 2500-5000 turns
- Possibility to use the scoring blade even with the main blade of 400 mm mounted.
- Scoring unit ( Optional)
- Scoring 8500 r/min.
- Scoring blade diam.120 mm.
- Scoring shaft diam.20 mm.
- Motorised scoring unit with electrical movements , motor Kw 0,75 ( Hp 1 ).