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Stromab Matrix afkorter typer CT er alle med klinge rotation
Stromab Matrix afkorter typer CT er alle med klinge rotation
Cat. 1 combines cutting speed and precision measurements with solutions aimed to meet the most demanding production requirements.
The innovative design of the push feed system and the technical solutions adopted for use in the cutting-off unit allow for a speed of travel of 240 m./min., with a positioning accuracy not exceeding +/- 0.1 mm.
- The new software installed on the machine and a top-of-the-line industrial Windows-based PC ensure that programming is fast and easy
- CAT.1 Basic version + electronic unloader (photo)
- Continuous-module loader
- Driven by chains and adjustable pins
- Pneumatic side aligners
- Galvanized steel work surface
- Push-feed system with aluminium profile
- Feeder system with rack and pinion
- Feeder system with brushless motor
- Carriage-gripper with an innovative pneumatic system
- Hidden lower tail gripper
- Pneumatic cutting machine with high-performance cutting cycle
- Input and output side aligners
- Outfeed belt
- Electronic unloader with pneumatic cylinders
OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT: Automatic reading of the timber section, Push-feed work surface in stainless steel, Ink-jet printers and rapid-cylinder unloader.